Showing posts with label forbidden-romance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label forbidden-romance. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

 BOOK REVIEW: Sicko by Amo Jones

(Standalone Dark Romance)
Author: Amo Jones
Published: September 1st, 2020
Source: GR

He was my foster brother.
He swore to protect me.
He failed.
They all failed.
I’m an open box of passé photographs, snapped in chaste daylight, but filtered in sepia. I’m the past that he tried to forget, and he was the future I needed. When he left six years ago, I screamed for him every night. But then it all stopped. My screams were suddenly muffled by cruelty, and further coaxed by pain.
But he has come back. He’s not the cute big brother I had a furtive crush on, or the bad boy, rich brat that I hated to love.
He’s the ruthless vice president of Wolf Pack MC, and he doesn’t answer to Royce Kane anymore.
He answers to Sicko.


We fight a lot, but we love hard and when it comes to him and me, one cannot exist without the other.

This book has a lot of shocking plot twist and revelations , however I kinda anticipate those while im halfway through the book, still I'm awe how the events intricate and woven masterfully. I'd say the execution style was encore. The slow building of plot line, unyielding characterization, the mystery that ponders around the story. A combo of action-packed and dirty sex scenes, an all around wild ride.

Her and I, it was inevitable. Bound to happen, it was just a matter of when time matched fate.


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

 BOOK REVIEW: The Truth About Heartbreak by B. Celeste

(The Truth 1)
Author: B. Celeste
Released Date: June 3rd, 2019
Source: GR

Forbidden Romance - Check.
Cheating - Check.
Brother's Best Friend - Check.
Angst - Check.


I fell in love with him when I was thirteen years old.

He was older, mysterious, and unattainable. The guy I could never touch.

Then one night changed everything for us. But there was one huge problem.

He belonged to her.


This is the story of River and Everett. When River was 12 she was adopted into this family. This family has a son - Oliver. Ollie and Rhett are bestfriends.

The timeline started when River's 12 and Everett's 17 then from their we get to see how their friendship progresses and eventually turns into forbidden love.

We get to know the reason why he stays in a relationship and honestly I did not support his decisions, I mean ya it's about expectations but he's a grown up man who can decide what is right and wrong. But ya the dilemma was also the main plot of the story (just sayin)

“Our story is just beginning.”

No,” she whispers, fingers stroking what little hair rests on my chest. “It started ten years ago. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

I'm excited for Ollie and Charlie's story ❤️


RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

 BOOK REVIEW: Throttled by Lauren Asher

(Dirty Air 1)
Author: Lauren Asher
Released Date: January 9th, 2020
Source: GR

What happens when my brother's rival becomes my secret crush?

Noah Slade is a Formula 1 legend in the making.
Focused. Unapproachable. Ruthless on and off the track.
A man with walls higher than the Grand Canyon.
And my brother's new teammate.
I want more of the prince who disguises himself as the villain.
But while I crave a happy ending, he wants to destroy his.

Maya Alatorre is a forbidden temptation.
An ambitious post-grad I should stay far away from.
And chaos wrapped with a bow.
We're a ticking time bomb, about one wrong move away from exploding.
I want to trip the wire, detonating together in passion and pain.
Because in the end, all's fair in lust and war.


"Thou shall not bang your brother’s teammate."

Splendid debut novel!

This is a solid book for a debut, its well written has an interesting characters and coherent plot. I admit my knowledge regarding auto racing is minimal, and plot wise is heavy of that topic, yet it does not bore me or deter my enjoyment it actually grip my attention, as for the romance storyline I loved the slow building and execution albeit the story arc was a bit dragged for my taste. Regardless still a well done and I have a great time reading this book.

"Men like Noah are only built for wickedness." 

highly recommend!
RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

 BOOK REVIEW: My Darling Arrow by Saffron A. Kent

(St. Mary Rebels 1) 
Author: Saffron A. Kent
Released Date: September 17th, 2020
Source: GR

Darling Arrow,

I shouldn’t be writing this.

It’s not as if I’m ever going to send you this letter and there are a million reasons why.

First of all, I was sent to St. Mary’s School for Troubled Teenagers – an all-girls reform school – as a punishment for a petty, totally inconsequential crime. Not to ogle the principal’s hot son around the campus.

Second of all, you’re a giant jerk. You’re arrogant and moody and so cold. Sometimes I think I shouldn’t even like you.

But strangely your coldness sets me on fire.

The way your athletic body moves on the soccer field and the way your powerful thighs sprawl across that bike of yours, make me go inappropriately breathless.

But that’s not the worst part.

The worst part is that you, Arrow Carlisle, are not only the principal’s hot son.

You also happen to be the love of my sister’s life.

And I really shouldn’t be thinking about my sister’s boyfriend or rather fiancé (I overheard a conversation about the ring that I shouldn’t have.)

Now if I can only stop writing you these meaningless letters that I’ll never send and you’ll never read…

Never yours,

NOTE: This book is a standalone and DOES NOT contain cheating.


Loving him is the most wonderful, most awful thing in the world.
Loving Arrow is my doom.
So he’s not my dear, he’s my darling, my broken Arrow.

His words are his namesake.
They pierce my heart. The heart that’s not so witchy after all. They make it holey. They make it bleed.

This book gives me everything I want, its super angsty, scorching sex scenes and unrequited love its written amazingly, great characterization and strong plot line. Even the love triangle subplot is very well executed. This book wrecks me, I feel the pining, longing and love of Salem for Arrow since she was 10. Knowing that the love of your life was in love and in a relationship for 8 years with your older sister and you can't do something about it because its your freakin sister your blood and you don't wanna hurt her. It so painful to watch. I find myself crying 😢, thats how deep and heartbreaking this was.

I didn’t fall in love with my Arrow to hurt my sister.
I fell in love with him like dead leaves fall from the branch of a tree and rain falls from a swollen cloud.
I fell in love with him like tears fall when you’re sad and like blood oozes out of your skin when you step on broken glass.

Arrow and Salem's journey to happy ending is not easy, its raw and an emotional turmoil,yet its a beautiful mess and so much worthy in the end.

“Dark curls; Golden eyes.” He rubs our noses together. “Thirteen freckles; Flowers between her thighs.” He skims his lips over mine. “Sweet; So sweet; My heart; My sweetheart.”

This book is well done, an unforgettable love story.

I kiss my darling then.
And my darling kisses his sweetheart.


 BOOK REVIEW: Medicine Man by Saffron A. Kent

(Standalone Forbidden Contemporary Romance)
Author: Saffron A. Kent
Released Date: September 27th, 2018
Source: GR

Willow Taylor lives in a castle with large walls and iron fences. But this is no ordinary castle. It’s called Heartstone Psychiatric Hospital and it houses forty other patients. It has nurses with mean faces and techs with permanent frowns.

It has a man, as well. A man who is cold and distant. Whose voice drips with authority. And whose piercing gray eyes hide secrets, and maybe linger on her face a second too long.

Willow isn’t supposed to look deep into those eyes. She isn’t supposed to try to read his tightly-leashed emotions. Neither is she supposed to touch herself at night, imagining his powerful voice and that cold but beautiful face.

No, Willow Taylor shouldn’t be attracted to Simon Blackwood at all.

Because she’s a patient and he’s her doctor. Her psychiatrist.

The medicine man.


Okay i don't have suffice words for this incredibly amazing book, as always Saffron Kent is one of the brilliant author that i know. So i will be leaving you guys some of the epic lines in the book❤.

"Do you know why i love the rain? Because it reminds me of second chances, it makes me think that if this ugly world can be pure after a heavy shower, i can be pure too. I can get all the chances that i want". - Willow Audrey Taylor


"Maybe i haven't said it yet because... what i feel for you is more than love. It's happiness, You make me happy Simon.


"I know how difficult i can be. I know that, i know living with me, with someone like me won't be a picnic and i can't ask anyone to do that you know- like marry me and have babies with me because you never know if my babies are gonna come out like me or-"


"I'm your snowflake."
"Fuck yes, you are."
"I love you. I love you so much, Simon."



 BOOK REVIEW: Suddenly Forbidden by Ella Fields

(Gray Springs University 1)

Author: Ella Fields

Released Date: January 24th, 2018

Source: Goodreads

I thought he'd always be mine,
even when I was forced to say goodbye.

We were never meant to let go,
but it happened anyway.
Too bad I didn’t know someone was waiting to take my place, or I would've held on a lot tighter.

Two years later, we were exactly where we'd always planned to be.
I'd kept my promise.
He'd forgotten all about his.
Not only had he moved on, but the person he'd moved on with was my best friend, leaving me to begin college with a broken heart.

I guess this is the part where I’m supposed to tell you some other guy stepped in, repaired my shattered pieces, and made me smile again.

This isn't that kind of story.

My heart might have been broken,
but it refused to fall out of love.

WARNING: this book contains cheating.


“I’m gonna marry you someday, Daisy June.”

“I’m not scared. You and me … like the moon and the stars, we’re permanent.”

I'm so proud of myself! For finally reading this book. Storyline that has cheating on it isn't my go to read. love triangle is one thing and I'm okay with it. Don't get me wrong i read a few books that has cheating before and I don't mind it if its done flawlessly, the execution, delivery in all.

As for this book it go above and beyond when it comes to angst and forbidden plot device. It delivers all those hostile emotions, the frustration and anguish. Finding your forever at the very young age, to fall in love, planning for the future without overlooking that life isn't work that way. Then one chain of event happened that its out of your control creates the unexpected turmoil that you didn't see coming. Fate can be cruel, and timing just never on your side, that's how this book navigate.

Some things were simply irrefutable and inescapable. The stars, the moon, and the way my heart would always beat in sync with hers.

Let's talk about the cheating story arc in here, (view spoiler) as for Alexis, she's the ultimate snake in the grass (view spoiler) so Quinn the man of the hour, I can't really blame his action, can I??? he was just being a normal horny teenager, so inlove and heartbroken. Didn't know how to deal with reality, so he just decided to pursue Alexis, because she's the closest link, he's desperate to feel something familiar eh, and yes its fucked up, considering he did love her, they're in a relationship, not just a 3 months rebound. So for that reason I struggle a lot to accept his sentiments, the belief system and authenticity isn't quite there and isn't reliable enough for me. He knew its wrong and he regret it so much, and to be honest those cheesy moments between he and Daisy, i can't fully grasp the idea, thinking that he did it with Alexis as well even though it wasn't really implied, still cringeworthy.

We more than meant a lot to each other. We were the breeze that ruffled the dandelions. The sun that scorched our skin red until we searched for reprieve under our favorite willow tree. And underneath the stretch of dark skies, we were each other’s stars.

All around Suddenly Forbidden is a very very well written, the story flows naturally, pacing is great and smoothly done. The characterization isn't that great but still good, they're flawed yet understandable its just make them more interesting and relatable. Being perfect is boring. The story really sucks me in, it consumed me and I'm so invested with everything that was going on. Its unputdownable. Its a maddening ride for sure. Therefore I wouldn't think to reread this. I don't want to undergo with heart surgery again. It's just too painful.

“Because without the stars, the moon is left alone to battle the dark.”


Monday, October 19, 2020

Misbehaved by Charleigh Rose

(Standalone Student-Teacher Forbidden Romance)

Author: Charleigh Rose

Released Date: April 26th, 2017

Source: Goodreads

New from Best-selling author Charleigh Rose

Remington Stringer has never been like most girls. She’s outspoken, brazen and wants nothing more than to escape the Nevadan hell hole that she calls home.

On the brink of eighteen, with a deceased mother and a well-meaning, yet absent father, she is forced to fend for herself. The only person she’s ever had to depend on is her borderline obsessive stepbrother, Ryan. But, what used to be her anchor is quickly becoming a loose cannon.

When Remi gets the opportunity to attend the best private school in the state during her senior year of high school, she jumps at the chance. Then she meets Mr. James. Ornery, aloof, and totally irresistible.

Most girls would swoon in secrecy.

Most girls would doodle his name with hearts in their notebook.

But Remi Stringer has never been like most girls.


Bad Habit by Charleigh Rose

(Bad Love 1)

Author: Charleigh Rose

Released Date: November 15th, 2017

Source: Goodreads

I was infatuated with Asher Kelley the moment he came tumbling through my brother’s window five years ago.
Even bruised and bloodied, he was the most beautiful boy I'd ever seen.
We couldn't ever be together.
I was too young, and he was too untouchable.
He was too troubled, and I was too naive.
But the heart is rebellious, and mine decided it didn’t care about any of those things.
As I got older, harmless flirting turned to stolen moments in dark corners.
Until one day, he was gone without a trace.
Now, three years later, he’s back.
Callous and cruel.
He’s my brother’s best friend. My parents’ worst nightmare.
I should hate him.
But like a Bad Habit, I can’t quit him.

I was drawn to Briar Vale from the first time she looked up at me with stars in her big, blue eyes.
She was just a kid, nothing but elbows and knees, but she was the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen.
We could never be together.
I was too old and she was too off limits.
She was too good and I was too fucked up.
Eventually, the temptation became too much to resist.
I risked everything for a kiss and she betrayed me.
Three years have passed and I’m forced to see her again, but now she's all grown up.
She’s my best friend’s baby sister. My downfall.
I hate her for what she did.
But she's always been my drug of choice.


 The Italian by T.L. Swan

(Standalone Mafia Romance)

Author: T.L. Swan

Released Date: October 28th, 2019

Source: Goodreads

They say there are three things you should do at least once in your life:

Dance like nobody’s watching.
Travel the world.
And fall hopelessly in love.

I aimed to do all three.

I went to Italy to find myself.
But he found me.

It was like a story book, our eyes met across a crowded room.
He asked me if I needed help reading the menu.
We ate, we laughed, we danced, and I fell.
Unfortunately, things didn’t go to plan, and we parted ways.

Two years later, our eyes meet across a room again.
Only this time I was on a date with another man.
He went crazy in a jealous fit.

But the man I met then is different now.
He’s colder, harder, and officially one of the most powerful men in Italy.
Dare I say it, even more enticing.

But if you dance with the devil, you get burnt.

And the fires in Italy are scalding hot.


Mr. Masters by T.L. Swan

(Mr. Series 1)

Author: T.L. Swan

Released Date: May 26th, 2018

Source: Goodreads

He is powerful, older and my boss, a lethal combination.
Job satisfaction has taken on a whole new meaning.

When I lied on my resume, I didn’t expect it to matter.
I mean any child would love me; I was born to be a nanny.
I applied for a position working for a woman, or so I thought.
But Julian Masters is definitely all man…the kind you dream of licking chocolate from.

The first day was bad.
The kids were the spawn of the devil and I spied through a window and caught him doing something obscene…. and equally fascinating.

The second day was worse, he caught me snooping in his bathroom cabinet in my skimpy pyjamas and all hell broke loose.

On the third day, I ran over him in a golf cart.

And by day four I had decided that I wanted that chocolate…all of it.
Melted….on me.

But intelligent, widowed Judges don’t fall for ditzy nannies.
Or do they?


BOOK REVIEW: Waking Olivia by Elizabeth O'Roark


Author: Elizabeth O'Roark

Released Date: March 14th, 2016

Source: Goodreads

"That girl isn't just trouble of the not-a-team-player, not-a-reliable-runner variety. She's trouble of the devious, manipulative, too-f***ing-hot-for-her-own good variety. She's the kind of girl who causes trouble merely by existing, and then makes sure to cause more.
And the last thing I need right now is more trouble."

A failing farm.
His father’s debt.
And a struggling college track team.
Will Langstrom has too many responsibilities, and the last thing he needs is Olivia Finnegan, a beautiful but troubled new transfer student.

A smart mouth.
A strong right hook.
And a secret that could destroy her.
Olivia is her own worst enemy, with a past she can’t seem to escape, and the last person she wants help from is a cocky track coach she can never seem to please.
Refusing to be pushed away, Will is determined to save her.
And determined to resist an attraction that could destroy them both.


"She's the kind of girl who causes trouble merely by existing, and then makes sure to cause more."

Im still reeling about this book, its sad and bit disturbing. You can't really blamed Olivia for putting her walls so high, after all what she had suffered and witnessed when she was just a child. She's one hell of a tough cookie. As for Will I loved how he supports and care for Olivia even if its prohibited, and I admit there are times I just want to shake him up to fight his love and just be with Olivia, but at the same time Its understandable, considering his her track coach and had a snotty girlfriend. I want to dislike his actions towards Olivia, its quite exhausting and frustrating at times, I'm just happy he finally made up his mind and get the courage to fight for her. All is well.

what I adore most in this book was the subplot behind Olivia s state of mind, its somewhat unparalleled and only adds a thrilling flavor to the story.


 BOOK REVIEW: Sweet Dandelion by Micalea Smeltzer

(Standalone Student-Teacher Forbidden Romance)

by: Micalea Smeltzer

Released Date: March 25th, 2020

Source: Goodreads

Dandelion Meadows is cursed.
Horrible name.
Horrible luck.

At eighteen she should be headed off to college, all smiles and naivety.
Instead, a victim of a school shooting, she’s starting her senior year in a new city and living with her brother.
Nightmares of that terrible day haunt her, affecting her daily life and the relationships around her.
Forced to meet with the school counselor, Dani finds him chipping away at the walls she’s built around herself, and even her heart.

Lachlan Taylor doesn’t know what to make at first of the broken student he’s tasked with helping. She’s survived a trauma he’s not sure he can save her from, but he knows he has to try.

The more time they spend together, the more they learn about what it really means to live.

Some things are forbidden.
Some things are necessary for survival.

Their love is both.


I’m very lucky to be on my own two feet, but sometimes I feel like a bird with a broken wing, destined to never fly and it hurts all over again.

Such an emotional and heavy heart story. Learning to breathe and be brave again. Losing someone you loved was never easy. Dani's journey of finding oneself and unexpected love with a someone though its forbidden and unconventional was still a great inspiration and hard lesson at the same time, but that was life. We can't really choose who we might fell in love. Life is messy and beautiful.

You can only fight gravity for so long, and the two of us have been falling together from the start.

Lachlan and I are inevitable.
An ocean could separate us and I know deep down we’d still find our way back to each other.

This story has more depth to it, than what you are thinkin'. It contains sensitive matter that might offend some readers but I can assure you Micalea handled those meticulously. IMO it helps the book not be bland instead more engrossing.

“Wrong doesn’t always mean bad, Mr. Taylor.”

“You’re loving me in the light.”


 BOOK REVIEW: Sicko by Amo Jones (Standalone Dark Romance) Author: Amo Jones Published: September 1st, 2020 Source:  GR He was my foster bro...