Showing posts with label dark-contemporary-romance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dark-contemporary-romance. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

 BOOK REVIEW: Now Open Your Eyes by Nicole Fiorina

(Stay With Me 3)
Author: Nicole Fiorina
Published: February 9th, 2020
Source: GR

It was so close, I'd tasted it–the freedom.
But the only thing I could taste now was the end.
Over the last two years, I’d let all outside forces dictate my life, my feelings, my head.
I’d allowed everyone to control what my punishment should be for all my wrong-doings.
I’d been tested and learned my lesson.
I’d paid my dues and suffered long enough.
Because in the end,
even the once-upon-a-damned deserved to be happy too.

How far are you willing to go?
I’d asked myself this very question countless times.
But never in my wildest dreams thought I’d go back in time,
chasing ghosts from my past for a chance to save our future.
So, there was no limit.
No boundaries.
I’d cross time, the world, my morals.
Yes, I’d even double-cross myself.
So, how far would I go?
The answer had always been simple.
I’d go an eternity plus a day past crestfallen.


"The greatest measure of man is what he does next after everything has been taken from him."
- Oliver Masters

I'm so mad at myself for giving this only 3 ★, I'm so invested with the other 2 and tbh this is a bit of let down for me, I dunno perhaps I did have a high expectation. Its just that everything become discombobulated, we're suddenly getting Ethan's POV which IMO isn't necessary it just drag out the story, yes this book was full of drama I mean OTT, don't get me wrong I don't mind the shit and drama in the last previous 2 books. And oh! I also don't get it why every female character (except Mia) are very aggressive and dumb, it really irked me. Plus everytime that Ollie meets a woman/girl I'm on my toes, tiptoeing I felt like any moment he will just snap and fuck up everything. One thing I notice from book two and here, that Ollie's get easily attracts to woman sexually and the author tries to justify his actions or morals by depending that even if he's horny "only" Mia can give his release, I get it he has EID. like I said it becomes repetitive to the point I find myself exhausted reading this. It become a pattern. The drama & conflict are so overplayed. And Mia and Oliver love and bound ain't stronger enough in this. Its quite a lost cause.


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

 Trouble In Hell by Alex Grayson

(Hell Night 1)
Author: Alex Grayson
Released Date: October 18th, 2018
Source: GR

Book one in Alex Grayson's brand new romantic suspense series, Hell Night.... Welcome to Malus.

Trouble and his brothers escaped from Malus, Texas as kids. In the dead of night, they left behind a hell so hideous, it made national news.

Years later, they returned to make the place that was once their living nightmare, a safe place for those who have suffered just as they have.

When Remi comes to town, heavily pregnant and in desperate need of help, as the town's only doctor, Trouble reluctantly offers his services. Little did he know the strong attraction he would feel for the woman. He fights it, tries to push it to the side, but it only grows stronger, nearly consuming him.

Love is not something Trouble can afford to feel. Not when he still has vengeance in his blood and the need to punish those of his past. Not when he knows Remi would never be able to see past the merciless actions he must carry out.

Remi has no time for love either, no matter how much her heart yearns for Trouble. Not when danger is knocking on her door, demanding something she'll never be able to give.

Will the darkness in their pasts devour them, or will they find the beauty that's just out of reach? In a town like Malus, anything is possible....

DISCLAIMER: Intended for readers 18 years and older due to mature content, abusive situations, and harsh language. May contain triggers for some readers. Please read with caution.


 BOOK REVIEW: Tragic Beauty by Iris Ann Hunter

(Beauty & The Darkness Trilogy 1)
Author: Iris Ann Hunter
Released Date: January 23rd, 2018
Source: GR

One beauty. Two beasts.
The one who owns her. And the one who wants her.
I was sixteen when I made the deal.
When I put my fate in the hands of Shayne McAllister, a man determined to break me.
A man with black eyes and a blacker heart, who’s been obsessed with me since we were kids.
And now that my father has passed, he’s coming to collect his debt.
But before I become his, I see a chance to make a choice for myself, and I take it.
I slip away, for one night.
One dark, stormy night that goes horribly wrong.
Until a stranger crosses my path.
An angry stranger, with a harsh voice and menacing eyes, who grants me one night.
One messed up, beautiful night, that changes everything, and spares no one.
Because the stranger wants more.
More than just one night.
He wants me.
What follows, is darkness.
A darkness where secrets will be revealed, blood will be shed, and sacrifices made.
My name is Ava, and this is my story.

(This is a very DARK, contemporary romance/erotic thriller with scenes some will find disturbing. It is a story about love and obsession, about hope and despair, but most of all, it is about finding light through the darkness. For mature audiences only.)


Oh wow! I phew, I am so hands down for this one, Holy shit! this book is so so super intense, gritty and sinister in every possible way! Tragic beauty unravel the tale between love, lust and obsession, of how far r u willing to do or sacrifice for the people u loved. It blindingly tells the consuming, tragic and dark twisted version of beauty and the beast. And I can't wait for the next book - Hunted Beauty.

PS; Ms. Iris Ann hunter your my new favorite dark romance author!😉 #GavinxEva


Monday, October 19, 2020

 The Italian by T.L. Swan

(Standalone Mafia Romance)

Author: T.L. Swan

Released Date: October 28th, 2019

Source: Goodreads

They say there are three things you should do at least once in your life:

Dance like nobody’s watching.
Travel the world.
And fall hopelessly in love.

I aimed to do all three.

I went to Italy to find myself.
But he found me.

It was like a story book, our eyes met across a crowded room.
He asked me if I needed help reading the menu.
We ate, we laughed, we danced, and I fell.
Unfortunately, things didn’t go to plan, and we parted ways.

Two years later, our eyes meet across a room again.
Only this time I was on a date with another man.
He went crazy in a jealous fit.

But the man I met then is different now.
He’s colder, harder, and officially one of the most powerful men in Italy.
Dare I say it, even more enticing.

But if you dance with the devil, you get burnt.

And the fires in Italy are scalding hot.


 BOOK REVIEW: Beauty In The Ashes by Micalea Smeltzer

(Standalone Contemporary Romance)

Author: Micalea Smeltzer

Released Date: July 15th, 2014

Source: Goodreads

Standalone Dark Contemporary Romance

Some stories are a fairytale...but this isn't one.

Caelan Gregory’s life fell apart the night he went home and opened the door to find his whole family murdered. Since then, his life has held no meaning. He’s angry. He’s bitter. He’s barely human anymore. There’s nothing left to remind him of the straight A student, and football quarterback he once was…but he wasn’t a good person then, and he’s certainly not a good person now. He’s retreated into a world where all that exists is numbness and his passion for painting.

When Sutton Hale moves into the apartment across the hall from Caelan she’s not prepared for her reaction to him. Something in his broken blue eyes calls to her—after all she’s always had an irrational need to fix everything.

But Caelan doesn’t do relationships or feelings. He does drugs and alcohol. However, he can’t ignore his desire to get to know the raven-haired woman across the hall.

Two broken souls trying to mend one another.

But not everything can be fixed.

In the end, Caelan and Sutton will have to learn that there is beauty in the ashes.


"People like us, we didn’t fall in love, and we certainly didn’t get a fairytale ending."

I have mixed emotions, I mean I truly appreciate the author's effort going back to Caelan and Sutton’s story and finished it once and for all.. I did like her writing style it's poetic and somewhat lyrical and of course how the representation of (view spoiler) I'd say the book is more on characters driven than plot. I like how the characters find forgiveness and second chances in a seemingly chaotic life.

"We were a sick pair, destined to meet and destroy each other."

One thing that I will say is I did not expect the last 20% mark plot twist to happened, because I thought somehow it will lead back to the usual plot, the author did an impeccable job in building a supposedly "EPIC" story between our main characters in the first 70% book mark, who would've guess the events will take a different turns. It took me by surprise.

I know we’re fucked up and neither of us is whole—” she bit her lip “—we’re a mess, Caelan. Together we’re like a damn war. I know in a war there are casualties, but fuck it if I don’t want to try.”

And to be honest I did not see (view spoiler) I will very much appreciate though if the author just focus on letting Caelan's character to flourish and healed all at once.

Regardless I did like the story and usually this kind of turning point is not my cuppa tea, still, I'm so glad I took a leap of faith and went blind reading the book because I felt all the emotions that the author wants to convey. Yes the happy ending isn't the conventional one but I felt like its the right one.

"I understood now, that even when everything crumbled and your world turned to ash, there was still beauty—just like a phoenix rising from the ashes."


 BOOK REVIEW: Tangled Love by Haley Jenner

(Chaotic Rein 1)

by: Haley Jenner

Released Date: April 13th, 2018

Source: Goodreads

Codi Rein is a means to an end. A bloody and vengeful penance for wrong doing. She was our way to inflict pain and suffering on those who took away what was most important to us.
She was supposed to be a no one. Insignificant.
She wasn’t supposed to make me smile.
She wasn’t supposed to make me laugh.
She sure wasn’t supposed to make me feel anything other than hate.
She wasn’t supposed to make me love her.
She was a means to an end. Now the bloody and vengeful end looks to be mine. Because it now comes down to love or loyalty and it’s on me to decide what reigns absolute; heart or family.


4.5 ✰

Parker Shay is dark. Anger and loss ricochet from his demeanor. I like that I can make him smile.

I’ve got no idea what I’ve tangled myself into, but I know it’s chaotic; twisted and weaved in a way that might be impossible to ever crawl out of, but right now, I don’t want to.

The greatest betrayal, Codi gave me her heart and I took it.

I’m dealing with my own desperation, in sorrow, in regret, in fucking heartbreak.

My love for Codi Rein has forced away the one single person in life who fought for me harder than I fought for myself. Worse part is, I can’t even regret it, because it’s the right fucking thing to do.

Our feelings are a disaster. Twisted and pulled in every direction by fear and need. By intimacy and hate. By loyalty and devotion.

I was planning for our future while he was planning my funeral. I saw marriage and kids and he saw my death as his peace. I fell in love while he was still lost in hate.

Codi Rein may have started as a means to an end, but that was lost the moment I laid eyes on her.


 BOOK REVIEW: Sicko by Amo Jones (Standalone Dark Romance) Author: Amo Jones Published: September 1st, 2020 Source:  GR He was my foster bro...