Showing posts with label second-chance-romance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label second-chance-romance. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

 BOOK REVIEW: Now Open Your Eyes by Nicole Fiorina

(Stay With Me 3)
Author: Nicole Fiorina
Published: February 9th, 2020
Source: GR

It was so close, I'd tasted it–the freedom.
But the only thing I could taste now was the end.
Over the last two years, I’d let all outside forces dictate my life, my feelings, my head.
I’d allowed everyone to control what my punishment should be for all my wrong-doings.
I’d been tested and learned my lesson.
I’d paid my dues and suffered long enough.
Because in the end,
even the once-upon-a-damned deserved to be happy too.

How far are you willing to go?
I’d asked myself this very question countless times.
But never in my wildest dreams thought I’d go back in time,
chasing ghosts from my past for a chance to save our future.
So, there was no limit.
No boundaries.
I’d cross time, the world, my morals.
Yes, I’d even double-cross myself.
So, how far would I go?
The answer had always been simple.
I’d go an eternity plus a day past crestfallen.


"The greatest measure of man is what he does next after everything has been taken from him."
- Oliver Masters

I'm so mad at myself for giving this only 3 ★, I'm so invested with the other 2 and tbh this is a bit of let down for me, I dunno perhaps I did have a high expectation. Its just that everything become discombobulated, we're suddenly getting Ethan's POV which IMO isn't necessary it just drag out the story, yes this book was full of drama I mean OTT, don't get me wrong I don't mind the shit and drama in the last previous 2 books. And oh! I also don't get it why every female character (except Mia) are very aggressive and dumb, it really irked me. Plus everytime that Ollie meets a woman/girl I'm on my toes, tiptoeing I felt like any moment he will just snap and fuck up everything. One thing I notice from book two and here, that Ollie's get easily attracts to woman sexually and the author tries to justify his actions or morals by depending that even if he's horny "only" Mia can give his release, I get it he has EID. like I said it becomes repetitive to the point I find myself exhausted reading this. It become a pattern. The drama & conflict are so overplayed. And Mia and Oliver love and bound ain't stronger enough in this. Its quite a lost cause.


 BOOK REVIEW: Even When I'm Gone by Nicole Fiorina

(Stay With Me 2) 
Author: Nicole Fiorina
Published: October 29th, 2019
Source: GR

The second book in a heart-consuming series.

Forget everything you thought you knew. Hell, I don't even know myself anymore. For seven months I've been gone only to come back to be tested in every way possible. They say keep your enemies close, and my demons welcomed me back with open arms. My downfall is a necessary evil. But Mia is my endgame.

Seven months ago, Ollie surrendered to the darkness, abandoning me in the process. He stripped me of my walls only to leave me defenseless. Now he's back, along with fresh new faces and obstacles standing in our way. He says trust no one. Not even him. How am I supposed to be strong for us both when I'm losing my grip?

"Just stay with me, Mia."
"Even when you're gone?"
"Especially when I'm gone.".


I’m not so sure what’s more terrifying,
the violent storm inside my head
or the silence.”
—Oliver Masters

The only reason why I'm giving this a 4 instead of 5 ☆ because of how Ollie's evil side played in this. Don't get me wrong the book is great, and enjoy every second of it, and I understand its for unravelling the story and character development, still I had a bit of withdrawal from Oliver's characterization in book 1 and how his persona drastically change. But I'm glad he redeemed himself and get his head out of his arse now. One thing I noticed though, in some instances whenever the author written a sequel it tends to be inconsistent, but thats not the case of this book, in terms of plot and character development its prominent, its still written poetically and beautifully. This book tests Mia and Oliver's deathifying, all consuming, timeless & unselfish love ♡.

And Ethan fuck, I did not see that one coming.

He was both the hero and villain in our love story, saving me only to ruin me.

Kiss her crazy and
love her insane.”
—Oliver Masters 


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

 BOOK REVIEW: Evil Love by Ella Fields

(Nightingale 1)

Author: Ella Fields

Released Date: September 3rd, 2020

Source: Goodreads

There was a time Jude Delouxe didn’t hate me, and I’m fairly certain it was when he didn’t know I existed.

Senior year, I finally caught his eye long enough to throw word vomit at him like the obsessed teenage girl I was.

That was then.
You see, the most wanted guy in school blamed me for losing his second chance with his girlfriend. Ex-girlfriend? Whatever. Point is, the Adonis loved to hate me.

It wasn’t my fault he’d followed me. It wasn’t my fault he’d stared too long and stood a little too close, just daring me to accomplish my wildest dreams.

And it most certainly wasn’t my fault his ex-girlfriend arrived when he’d decided to kiss me back.

Then the cruelty began. 
I’d thought I could handle it, so long as his lips kept gracing mine and he kept giving me more scorching firsts.
Until he took it too far, and all his carefully kept secrets blew open the doors to a brand new world. A world he was all too familiar with. 

Obsession became loathing and fear replaced naivety as Jude was forced to hold my hand and help me navigate a secret society rife with sin and debauchery—the crème de la crème of Peridot Island.

If I wasn’t careful, I’d do more than lose what remained of my heart. My first love and greatest foe wouldn’t be satisfied until he’d devoured my soul, too.


Evil Love (Nightingale 1)
Ella Fields

Forgive me for falling in love with you the wrong way.

This was okay. I mean the writing style is good, like the representation, the initial plot is quite interesting - - unrequited love, I'm just not a big fan of the execution. I understand the title is self explanatory. Characterization wise was fine. I felt connected somehow with Jude and Fern chemistry/non existent relationship but not so much, perhaps IMO atleast Jude's devil may care attitude overshadows the romance arc plot . And for Fern I like her but at the same time hates her. This is an Enemies-to-Lovers turns marriage of convenience trope, I did not expect the latter though. Overall this is more on average read for me, did not impressed me or anything, still I would recommend this.

Love was evil.
It stole, and it harmed, and it left you with your bleeding remains flayed wide for the world to dissect.


 BOOK REVIEW: Suddenly Forbidden by Ella Fields

(Gray Springs University 1)

Author: Ella Fields

Released Date: January 24th, 2018

Source: Goodreads

I thought he'd always be mine,
even when I was forced to say goodbye.

We were never meant to let go,
but it happened anyway.
Too bad I didn’t know someone was waiting to take my place, or I would've held on a lot tighter.

Two years later, we were exactly where we'd always planned to be.
I'd kept my promise.
He'd forgotten all about his.
Not only had he moved on, but the person he'd moved on with was my best friend, leaving me to begin college with a broken heart.

I guess this is the part where I’m supposed to tell you some other guy stepped in, repaired my shattered pieces, and made me smile again.

This isn't that kind of story.

My heart might have been broken,
but it refused to fall out of love.

WARNING: this book contains cheating.


“I’m gonna marry you someday, Daisy June.”

“I’m not scared. You and me … like the moon and the stars, we’re permanent.”

I'm so proud of myself! For finally reading this book. Storyline that has cheating on it isn't my go to read. love triangle is one thing and I'm okay with it. Don't get me wrong i read a few books that has cheating before and I don't mind it if its done flawlessly, the execution, delivery in all.

As for this book it go above and beyond when it comes to angst and forbidden plot device. It delivers all those hostile emotions, the frustration and anguish. Finding your forever at the very young age, to fall in love, planning for the future without overlooking that life isn't work that way. Then one chain of event happened that its out of your control creates the unexpected turmoil that you didn't see coming. Fate can be cruel, and timing just never on your side, that's how this book navigate.

Some things were simply irrefutable and inescapable. The stars, the moon, and the way my heart would always beat in sync with hers.

Let's talk about the cheating story arc in here, (view spoiler) as for Alexis, she's the ultimate snake in the grass (view spoiler) so Quinn the man of the hour, I can't really blame his action, can I??? he was just being a normal horny teenager, so inlove and heartbroken. Didn't know how to deal with reality, so he just decided to pursue Alexis, because she's the closest link, he's desperate to feel something familiar eh, and yes its fucked up, considering he did love her, they're in a relationship, not just a 3 months rebound. So for that reason I struggle a lot to accept his sentiments, the belief system and authenticity isn't quite there and isn't reliable enough for me. He knew its wrong and he regret it so much, and to be honest those cheesy moments between he and Daisy, i can't fully grasp the idea, thinking that he did it with Alexis as well even though it wasn't really implied, still cringeworthy.

We more than meant a lot to each other. We were the breeze that ruffled the dandelions. The sun that scorched our skin red until we searched for reprieve under our favorite willow tree. And underneath the stretch of dark skies, we were each other’s stars.

All around Suddenly Forbidden is a very very well written, the story flows naturally, pacing is great and smoothly done. The characterization isn't that great but still good, they're flawed yet understandable its just make them more interesting and relatable. Being perfect is boring. The story really sucks me in, it consumed me and I'm so invested with everything that was going on. Its unputdownable. Its a maddening ride for sure. Therefore I wouldn't think to reread this. I don't want to undergo with heart surgery again. It's just too painful.

“Because without the stars, the moon is left alone to battle the dark.”


Monday, October 19, 2020

 The Italian by T.L. Swan

(Standalone Mafia Romance)

Author: T.L. Swan

Released Date: October 28th, 2019

Source: Goodreads

They say there are three things you should do at least once in your life:

Dance like nobody’s watching.
Travel the world.
And fall hopelessly in love.

I aimed to do all three.

I went to Italy to find myself.
But he found me.

It was like a story book, our eyes met across a crowded room.
He asked me if I needed help reading the menu.
We ate, we laughed, we danced, and I fell.
Unfortunately, things didn’t go to plan, and we parted ways.

Two years later, our eyes meet across a room again.
Only this time I was on a date with another man.
He went crazy in a jealous fit.

But the man I met then is different now.
He’s colder, harder, and officially one of the most powerful men in Italy.
Dare I say it, even more enticing.

But if you dance with the devil, you get burnt.

And the fires in Italy are scalding hot.


 BOOK REVIEW: Absinthe by Winter Renshaw


by: Winter Renshaw

Released Date: August 6th, 2017

Source: Goodreads

The name on the screen was “Absinthe.”

But I knew her as the sultry voice blowing up my phone for late night chats about Proust and Hemingway interspersed between the filthiest little … mutually satisfying exchanges ... I'd ever experienced in my life.

We’d never met. 

Until the day she walked into my office, her cherry lips wrapped around a candy apple sucker and an all too familiar voice that said, “You wanted to see me, Principal Hawthorne?”

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This full-length romance is a complete standalone and contains subject matter that may trigger sensitive readers. All characters are adults and all interactions are consensual. :-)


“Some people are born with silver spoons. I was born with a rusted paring knife. And still, it didn’t break me.”

Out of all student-teacher romance out there, this book surpasses my expectation in every single way, how the story took a different turn and twist and the outcome, I wouldn't wanted it in another way. The wordplay is captivating and sensational. You can feel how compassionate Halston and Ford as a characters. How depth the plot device was. all around dynamic of the storyline singe to my heart.

Her love for me is sweet and understated yet undeniable present until the very last word on the page. And that may be the saddest part of all—she still loves me. And she gave up on me. Because I let her go.

“I’ve loved you since the very beginning. And I’ll love you until the very end.”

“Absinthe + Kerouac Always”


 BOOK REVIEW: Wilder Love by Emery Rose

(Love and Chaos 1)

by: Emery Rose

Released Date: September 26th, 2019


I was his weakness. He was my strength. Until I destroyed him.

I was infatuated with Shane Wilder since the first time I saw him surfing. But we couldn’t be together. Not yet, anyway. I was too young and screwed up. He was too focused on chasing his dream.

So we became friends. We met on the rooftop for late-night confessions under the stars. Cruised along the Pacific Coast Highway with the wind in our hair and the sun on our faces.

I took photos of all the beautiful and ugly and interesting things, while he traveled the world in search of the perfect waves.

I told him I would wait for him.
I never meant to lie.
I never meant to ruin his life.

I. Destroyed. Him.

As his star faded, mine burned bright. But as everyone knows, all that glitters is not gold.

Now I’m back after seven long years, hoping for a chance to right my wrongs and fix what I’ve broken. This time I can only hope that loving Shane Wilder will be enough to save him.


 BOOK REVIEW: Sicko by Amo Jones (Standalone Dark Romance) Author: Amo Jones Published: September 1st, 2020 Source:  GR He was my foster bro...