Wednesday, October 21, 2020

 BOOK REVIEW: Sicko by Amo Jones

(Standalone Dark Romance)
Author: Amo Jones
Published: September 1st, 2020
Source: GR

He was my foster brother.
He swore to protect me.
He failed.
They all failed.
I’m an open box of passé photographs, snapped in chaste daylight, but filtered in sepia. I’m the past that he tried to forget, and he was the future I needed. When he left six years ago, I screamed for him every night. But then it all stopped. My screams were suddenly muffled by cruelty, and further coaxed by pain.
But he has come back. He’s not the cute big brother I had a furtive crush on, or the bad boy, rich brat that I hated to love.
He’s the ruthless vice president of Wolf Pack MC, and he doesn’t answer to Royce Kane anymore.
He answers to Sicko.


We fight a lot, but we love hard and when it comes to him and me, one cannot exist without the other.

This book has a lot of shocking plot twist and revelations , however I kinda anticipate those while im halfway through the book, still I'm awe how the events intricate and woven masterfully. I'd say the execution style was encore. The slow building of plot line, unyielding characterization, the mystery that ponders around the story. A combo of action-packed and dirty sex scenes, an all around wild ride.

Her and I, it was inevitable. Bound to happen, it was just a matter of when time matched fate.


 BOOK REVIEW: Ecstasy by K.V. Rose

(Standalone NA Contemporary Romance)
Author: K.V. Rose
Published: April 20th, 2020
Source: GR


Three students at Caven U who are all really, really f*cking tired of life.

Zara has a substance problem. Eli is a star athlete with a secret. And Alex? He’s just a f*cking a**hole.

Their paths collide one night at a party that quickly spirals out of control. A series of volatile moments follow, enveloping the three of them in a whirlwind of drama, drugs, and destruction.

Zara feels like she’s slipping under, losing her grip on reality. And if she isn’t careful, one of the boys just might pull her all the way down.

But the thing about almost dying at the hands of someone you hate?

In the moment before you take your last breath, the fear can feel a lot like...ecstasy.

And that’s a high you only get once in a lifetime.

Dark romance, suitable for 18+.


Author: KV Rose
Series: Standalone
Characters: Alex, Zara and Eli

Authors note⬇️
This is not a relationship guide.
This is not a recovery manual.
This is not a handbook on mental health.
This is a dark romance that holds a special place in my heart.

Holy shit! I'd devoured this book in one sitting, I'm so invested with the story, you will love to hate vice versa the characters in this book, and every pages is worthy of time. Whilst I'm reading this I really don't have a singular idea where will the story go through, I'm on the edge. This is very dark and twisted especially the last 80% of the book wherein the shit hits the fan, shocking plot twist. And I genuinely suggest please go in blind to fully enjoy the book and promise this book will take you in a one hell of a ride. 💯💕

"What’s real? Which one is real? The psychopath? The asshole? Neither of them? Am I fucking real?


 BOOK REVIEW: Now Open Your Eyes by Nicole Fiorina

(Stay With Me 3)
Author: Nicole Fiorina
Published: February 9th, 2020
Source: GR

It was so close, I'd tasted it–the freedom.
But the only thing I could taste now was the end.
Over the last two years, I’d let all outside forces dictate my life, my feelings, my head.
I’d allowed everyone to control what my punishment should be for all my wrong-doings.
I’d been tested and learned my lesson.
I’d paid my dues and suffered long enough.
Because in the end,
even the once-upon-a-damned deserved to be happy too.

How far are you willing to go?
I’d asked myself this very question countless times.
But never in my wildest dreams thought I’d go back in time,
chasing ghosts from my past for a chance to save our future.
So, there was no limit.
No boundaries.
I’d cross time, the world, my morals.
Yes, I’d even double-cross myself.
So, how far would I go?
The answer had always been simple.
I’d go an eternity plus a day past crestfallen.


"The greatest measure of man is what he does next after everything has been taken from him."
- Oliver Masters

I'm so mad at myself for giving this only 3 ★, I'm so invested with the other 2 and tbh this is a bit of let down for me, I dunno perhaps I did have a high expectation. Its just that everything become discombobulated, we're suddenly getting Ethan's POV which IMO isn't necessary it just drag out the story, yes this book was full of drama I mean OTT, don't get me wrong I don't mind the shit and drama in the last previous 2 books. And oh! I also don't get it why every female character (except Mia) are very aggressive and dumb, it really irked me. Plus everytime that Ollie meets a woman/girl I'm on my toes, tiptoeing I felt like any moment he will just snap and fuck up everything. One thing I notice from book two and here, that Ollie's get easily attracts to woman sexually and the author tries to justify his actions or morals by depending that even if he's horny "only" Mia can give his release, I get it he has EID. like I said it becomes repetitive to the point I find myself exhausted reading this. It become a pattern. The drama & conflict are so overplayed. And Mia and Oliver love and bound ain't stronger enough in this. Its quite a lost cause.


 BOOK REVIEW: Even When I'm Gone by Nicole Fiorina

(Stay With Me 2) 
Author: Nicole Fiorina
Published: October 29th, 2019
Source: GR

The second book in a heart-consuming series.

Forget everything you thought you knew. Hell, I don't even know myself anymore. For seven months I've been gone only to come back to be tested in every way possible. They say keep your enemies close, and my demons welcomed me back with open arms. My downfall is a necessary evil. But Mia is my endgame.

Seven months ago, Ollie surrendered to the darkness, abandoning me in the process. He stripped me of my walls only to leave me defenseless. Now he's back, along with fresh new faces and obstacles standing in our way. He says trust no one. Not even him. How am I supposed to be strong for us both when I'm losing my grip?

"Just stay with me, Mia."
"Even when you're gone?"
"Especially when I'm gone.".


I’m not so sure what’s more terrifying,
the violent storm inside my head
or the silence.”
—Oliver Masters

The only reason why I'm giving this a 4 instead of 5 ☆ because of how Ollie's evil side played in this. Don't get me wrong the book is great, and enjoy every second of it, and I understand its for unravelling the story and character development, still I had a bit of withdrawal from Oliver's characterization in book 1 and how his persona drastically change. But I'm glad he redeemed himself and get his head out of his arse now. One thing I noticed though, in some instances whenever the author written a sequel it tends to be inconsistent, but thats not the case of this book, in terms of plot and character development its prominent, its still written poetically and beautifully. This book tests Mia and Oliver's deathifying, all consuming, timeless & unselfish love ♡.

And Ethan fuck, I did not see that one coming.

He was both the hero and villain in our love story, saving me only to ruin me.

Kiss her crazy and
love her insane.”
—Oliver Masters 


 BOOK REVIEW: Stay With Me by Nicole Fiorina

(Stay With Me 1)
Author: Nicole Fiorina
Published: August 21st, 2019
Source: GR

In a desperate final attempt to save nineteen-year-old Mia from herself, she gets transferred to Dolor University, a reformatory college in the UK that housed deranged and dangerous young adults who viewed the private institution as their own personal playground. Mia didn’t care. She needed feelings to care. She’d keep her head down, ignore everyone, and make it through the next two years effortlessly.

Though Mia never anticipated Ollie Masters.

With green eyes, tattoos, and the voice of a poet, she is quickly drawn to him. But because of her sociopath tendencies, she knows it could only end in one of two ways. Either he will be the one to free her from her past, or she will be the one to destroy him.


“You stood before me, a memory,
but I was a stranger in your eyes.
Did you forget to remember
or remember to forget?”
—Oliver Masters

No way this is Nicole debut novel because this is a masterpiece. It wrecks and consumed me. Every words is poetic, tragic and beautifully written. Mia and Ollie's no bound all consuming deeper love takes me to the rabbit hole and I mean it in a good way. I can't get enough of their story. I'm devastated.

When I wore my venom on my sleeve, he wore his emotions.

But, I don’t believe in love,” I whispered.
“Then believe in me.” Ollie grinned. “Believe in us.”

Ice and fire. Winter and summer. Ollie and Mia.

“Close your eyes, Mia.” 


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

 BOOK REVIEW: The Saint by Kelsey Clayton

(Haven Grace Prep 2)
Author: Kelsey Clayton
Published: April 23rd, 2020
Source: GR


A mistake waiting to happen.

Knox Vaughn is the epitome of a bad boy.
He's trouble in a sexy-as-sin package.
I know it.
They know it.
Even he knows it.

But, it's like a moth to the flame.
I can't stay away—even though I'm going to get burned.
You know what they say,
The sinners are much more fun.
And this saint is changing the game.



Delaney Callahan is perfect,
Too perfect for me.
Hell, she's too perfect for anyone.

She's an angel,
But with me, she's playing with the devil.
I'm the last thing a woman like her needs.
And yet, I can't keep my hands—and mouth off of her.
We're from two different worlds,
Worlds that can't possibly work.
I'd do anything for her,
But I can't be the SAINT she deserves.


“Jesus Christ. Corruption looks so fucking good on you.”

I always loved a good bad boy, good girl love story and this book can attest to that. Its been a while since I read The Sinner book one in the HGP series but I still remember Delaney and Knox characters arc and I'm so glad I finally got to read their own romance! I know the plot line seems cliché but it all comes down on how the author will execute and adds a distinct flavour to the story. IMO Kelsey somehow makes the cliché story more interesting and worthwhile reading. The story wasn't overplay and dull. Characterization wise on point and three dimensional. All around its a great story!

“I’m the devil reincarnated. Your living fucking nightmare. Made of stone, with no feelings for anyone or anything.”

Everyone may have been right—Knox Vaughn is dangerous. A giant red flag, warning others to stay away, but red always has been my favorite color.


 The Sinner by Kelsey Clayton

(Haven Grace Prep 1)
Author: Kelsey Clayton
Published: March 12th, 2020
Source: GR

When I was a kid, my best friend betrayed me in the worst way possible, ripping my family to shreds in the aftermath. She ruined my life in one fell swoop, and didn’t even have the heart to warn me.

Now, nearly a decade later, I’m back in the town I grew up in, determined to make her pay.

They say revenge is a dangerous game, but I’ve never been one to play it safe. There is nothing I’ll love more than to find her weakness and use it to destroy her. The lie she told all those years ago will be her undoing.

Savannah Montgomery may be queen of the rich and entitled, but she’s about to meet her match.


 BOOK REVIEW: Sicko by Amo Jones (Standalone Dark Romance) Author: Amo Jones Published: September 1st, 2020 Source:  GR He was my foster bro...